A beginner’s Guide to Building a Portfolio Website Part Two

A beginner's Guide to Building a Portfolio Website Part Two

Build your portfolio website by following this easy and simple tutorial


  • Github


  1. Create a Github account
  2. Click new respository
  3. Add files and confirm index.html is in the top level directory
  4. Include initial commit and commit changes
  5. Go to settings and scroll down to Github Pages
  6. Select None to click main and save settings
  7. Wait for website to publish and press ctrl+shift+r to refresh
  8. Click on the URL next to a green checkmark in a green box to confirm the website is published

A beginner’s Guide to Building a Portfolio Website

A beginner's Guide to Building a Portfolio Website

Build your portfolio website by following this easy and simple tutorial


  • Visual Studio Code
    • Liver Server
    • Prettier


  1. Download Visual Studio Code
  2. Add Liver Server extension and Prettier extension
  3. Change VSC settings to afterdelay
  4. Open a browser and look for a free website template
  5. Download a template and save all the content into a recognizable folder
  6. Reopen Visual Studio Code and open the recognizable folder
  7. Select index.html and right click the code to select open with live server
  8. Explore the template and code to get an idea of how it works
  9. Change the html5 code to make the template your own
  10. Delete the contact form and replace it with <a href=”mailto:webmaster@example.com”>