Prototype and make electronics with easy-to-learn tools
An electronic component is any physical entity in an electronic system used to affect the electrons or their associated fields in a manner consistent with the intended function of the electronic system. Components are generally intended to be connected together, usually by being soldered to a printed circuit board (PCB), to create an electronic circuit with a particular function (for example an amplifier, radio receiver, or oscillator). Components may be packaged singly, or in more complex groups as integrated circuits. Some common electronic components are capacitors, inductors, resistors, diodes, transistors, etc. Components are often categorized as active (e.g. transistors and thyristors) or passive (e.g. resistors, diodes, inductors and capacitors). (Electronics. (n.d.) in Wikipedia. Retrieved August 7, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronics)
In build IT, we have an assortment of tools and equipment to assist with creating new electronics or hacking some to make something new.
At this time, all items are available for use in build IT only.
SparkFun Inventor's Kit
- SIK Guide
- Online Experiment Guide
- SIK Code Library
- Dimensional Drawing (Carrying Case)
The SparkFun Inventor’s Kit (SIK) is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the Arduino programming language. The SIK includes everything you need to complete 16 circuits that will teach you how to read sensors, display information on an LCD, drive motors, and more. You don’t need any previous programming or electronics experience to use this kit.
The full-color SIK Guidebook (included) contains step by step instructions of how to connect each circuit with the included parts. Full example code is provided and explained and even includes troubleshooting tips if something goes wrong.
The kit does not require any soldering and is recommended for beginners ages 10 and up. Version 3.3 returns the popular carrying case to the kit as well as replacing the older 2N2222 transistors with the BC337.
Kit Includes:
- SparkFun RedBoard
- Arduino and Breadboard Holder
- SparkFun Inventor’s Kit Guidebook
- White Solderless Breadboard
- Carrying Case
- SparkFun Mini Screwdriver
- 16x2 White on Black LCD (with headers)
- 74HC595 Shift Register
- BC337 Transistors
- 1N4148 Diodes
- DC Motor with Gear
- Small Servo
- SPDT 5V Relay
- TMP36 Temp Sensor
- Flex sensor
- Softpot
- 6' SparkFun USB Cable
- Jumper Wires
- Photocell
- Tri-color LED
- Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green LEDs
- Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green Tactile Buttons
- 10K Trimpot
- Piezo Speaker
- 330 and 10K Resistors
littlebits ProLibrary
Create complex inventions in a group or independently. This giant collection was built so inventors' imaginations can go wild as they build the most advanced littleBits inventions.
304 Bits
4 Arduino, 4 bargraph, 4 bend sensor, 4 branch, 4 bright LED, 4 button, 4 buzzer, 4 cloudBit™, 4 Control Voltage (CV), 4 dc motor, 4 delay, 4 dimmer, 4 double AND, 4 double OR, 4 envelope, 4 fan, 4 filter, 4 fork, 4 inverter, 4 IR LED, 4 IR Transmitter, 4 keyboard, 4 latch, 4 led, 4 light sensor, 4 light wire, 4 long led, 4 Makey Makey, 4 micro sequencer, 4 microphone, 4 MIDI, 4 mix, 4 motion trigger, 4 MP3 Player, 4 NAND, 4 NOR, 4 number, 4 oscillator, 4 Perf, 16 power, 4 pressure sensor, 4 Proto, 4 pulse, 4 random, 4 remote trigger, 4 rgb led, 4 roller switch, 4 Sequencer, 4 servo, 4 slide dimmer, 4 slide switch, 4 sound trigger, 4 split, 4 synth speaker, 4 temperature sensor, 4 threshold, 4 timeout, 4 toggle switch, 4 USB I/O, 4 usb power, 4 uv led, 4 vibration motor, 32 wire, 4 wireless receiver (1 channel), 4 wireless transmitter (1 channel) and 4 XOR.
228 Accessories
4 AC Switch, 16 battery + cable, 4 bitSnaps, 4 Brick Adapter, 1 Getting Started with littleBits, 16 motorMate, 16 mounting boards, 16 screwdriver, 144 Shoes, 3 Tackle Box and 4 USB Power Adapter + Cable.
littlebits Electronics Premium Kit
- Instruction Booklet
- Kit Insider Video
- GitHub (Design Files)
The littleBits Premium Kit contains everything you need to design your own interactive creations in more unique and technical ways as you would the littleBits Basic Kit. Included in this Premium Kit are 14 littleBits modules that can be attached together by the power of magnets, a 9V alkaline battery and cable, a vibeSnap to attach your Vibration Motor Bit, and a full-color instruction booklet with 10 fun projects to create. With this kit you will be able to make a multitude of projects including: a way to easily control a servo’s position, make a back massager, or even transform sound into light! It even comes in a snazzy cardboard box with magnetic closure.
littleBits is a library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. These simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together. With a growing number of available modules, littleBits aims to move electronics from late stages of the design process to its earliest ones, and from the hands of experts, to those of artists, makers, students and designers.
Each “Bit” is a piece of an electronic circuit. The bits are color coded and divided into 4 categories: power (blue), input (pink), output (green), and wire (orange). By combining the modules in different ways (by simply “snapping” them together magnetically) you can quickly create any number of interactive electronic projects.
Kit Includes:
- 1x Fan Bit
- 1x Slide Dimmer Bit
- 1x Roller Switch Bit
- 1x Branch Bit
- 1x Battery Power Bit
- 1x Pulse Bit
- 1x Vibration Motor Bit
- 1x Pressure Sensor Bit
- 1x Servo Bit
- 1x Sound Trigger Bit
- 2x Long LED Bit
- 2x Wire Bit
- 1x 9V Alkaline Battery
- 1x 9V Barrel Jack Cable
- 1x Screwdriver
- 1x vibeSnap
- Full-color Instruction Booklet
littlebits Base Kit
- Instruction Booklet
- Kit Insider Video
- Product Page
- GitHub (Design Files)
The littleBits Base Kit contains everything you need to get started with designing and creating your own interactive creations. Included in this Basic Kit are 10 littleBits modules that can be attached together by the power of magnets, a 9V alkaline battery and cable, a motorMate to attach wheels or other objects to the DC Motor Bit, and a full-color instruction booklet with eight fun projects to create. With this kit you will be able to easily make a multitude of projects including: a simple alarm clock or even turn a DC motor! It even comes in a snazzy cardboard box with magnetic closure.
littleBits is a library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. These simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together. With a growing number of available modules, littleBits aims to move electronics from late stages of the design process to its earliest ones, and from the hands of experts, to those of artists, makers, students and designers.
Each “Bit” is a piece of an electronic circuit. The bits are color coded and divided into 4 categories: power (blue), input (pink), output (green), and wire (orange). By combining the modules in different ways (by simply “snapping” them together magnetically) you can quickly create any number of interactive electronic projects.
Kit Includes:
- 1x DC Motor Bit
- 1x Buzzer Bit
- 1x Light Sensor Bit
- 1x Bargraph Bit
- 1x Button Bit
- 1x Dimmer Bit
- 1x Bright LED Bit
- 1x Battery Power Bit
- 2x Wire Bit
- 1x 9V Alkaline Battery
- 1x 9V Barrel Jack Cable
- 1x Screwdriver
- 1x motorMate
- Full-color Instruction Booklet
littlebits Synth Kit
- Instruction Booklet
- Tutorial Videos
- Product Page
- GitHub (Design Files)
This is the Korg Synth Kit from littleBits, a perfect electronics kit for beginners and experts alike that contains everything you need to make music on your own analog synthesizer. With the littleBits Synth Kit no engineering or musical knowledge is required to build your own, customizable, sound machine. Included in the Korg Synth Kit are nine “input” littleBits modules to manipulate your music to your bidding, a 9V power module and battery, a most wonderful synth speaker, and a full-color instruction booklet with 10 fun projects to create. With this kit you will be able to easily make a multitude of projects including: learning how an oscillator works, playing notes on a keyboard, or just having fun with a random sound generator! It even comes in a snazzy cardboard box with magnetic closure.
littleBits is a library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. These simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together. With a growing number of available modules, littleBits aims to move electronics from late stages of the design process to its earliest ones, and from the hands of experts, to those of artists, makers, students and designers.
Each “Bit” is a piece of an electronic circuit. The bits are color coded and divided into 4 categories: power (blue), input (pink), output (green), and wire (orange). By combining the modules in different ways (by simply “snapping” them together magnetically) you can quickly create any number of interactive electronic projects.
Kit Includes:
- 1x Battery Power Bit
- 1x Randomizer Bit
- 1x Keyboard Bit
- 1x Micro Sequencer Bit
- 1x Envelope Bit
- 1x Filter Bit
- 1x Delay Bit
- 1x Mixer Bit
- 2x Oscillator Bit
- 1x Splitter Bit
- 1x Synth Speaker Bit
- 1x 9V Alkaline Battery
- 1x 9V Barrel Jack Cable
- Full-color Instruction Booklet
This is the littleBits Space Kit, a unique electronics kit for beginners and experts alike that contains everything you need to make your own space investigative projects. With the littleBits Space Kit little to no engineering knowledge is required to build your customizable projects. Included in this Space Kit are 12 different littleBits modules that can be attached together to create your space project, two 9V alkaline batteries and cables, a small screwdriver to modify a micro adjuster, and a full-color instruction booklet with 10 fun projects to create. With this kit you will be able to easily make a multitude of projects including: making a small wave generator, measuring the atmosphere, or making a basic satellite dish! It even comes in a snazzy cardboard box with magnetic closure.
littleBits is a library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards. These simple, intuitive, space-sensitive blocks make prototyping with sophisticated electronics a matter of snapping small magnets together. With a growing number of available modules, littleBits aims to move electronics from late stages of the design process to its earliest ones, and from the hands of experts, to those of artists, makers, students and designers.
Each “Bit” is a piece of an electronic circuit. The bits are color coded and divided into 4 categories: power (blue), input (pink), output (green), and wire (orange). By combining the modules in different ways (by simply “snapping” them together magnetically) you can quickly create any number of interactive electronic projects
Kit Includes:
- 1x DC Motor Bit
- 1x Light Sensor Bit
- 1x Bright LED Bit
- 1x IR LED Bit
- 1x Remote Trigger Bit
- 1x Speaker Bit
- 2x Battery Power Bit
- 2x 9V Alkaline Battery
- 2x 9V Barrel Jack Cable
- 1x Screwdriver
- 1x motorMate
- Full-color Instruction Booklet