donate to build IT

Your donation helps us maintain and expand build IT, providing essential resources and opportunities for innovation and creativity. Every contribution makes a significant impact on our community.

Ways to Donate

Tools and Equipment

We are always in need of new tools and machines to keep our space fully equipped. Whether it’s a 3D printer, sewing machine, or power tools, your donation will be put to good use.


We welcome donations of materials such as fabric, electronics, games, and crafting supplies. These materials are essential for our workshops and individual projects.

How to Donate


Bring your donation to build IT during our open hours. Our staff will be happy to assist you.

Pickup Service

For larger items or bulk donations, we can arrange a pickup. Please contact us to schedule.

Your Impact

Educational Programs

Enhancing our workshops, build its, tutorials, and community events.

Project Support

Providing members with the materials they need to bring their ideas to life.

New Initiatives

Funding new programs and activities to engage and benefit our community.

Contact Us


If you have any questions about donating or want to discuss specific ways to support us, please feel free to contact us
(619) 594-1996

Past Donations

We are deeply grateful for the generosity and support from our community. Your contributions have made a tremendous difference in our space. Here are some examples of the amazing donations we have received: